Gershgorin cicle theorem

It’s possibile to gain some information about eigenvalues locations easly using Gershgorin’s theorem.

Let denote the closed disk centered at of radius .

Theorem Let , then the eigenvalues of are all contained in the union of the Gershgorin disks:

The disks are centered at the diagonal elements of , and their radius is the sum of the modulus of the row elements, exept the diagonal one.

Remark Since the spectrum of is the same, one can comput the gershgorin disks of and take the intersection with the disks of to improve the location exstimate.

Proof Consider an eigenvalue and its corresponding norm eigevector , so that . Let , be the biggest (in modulus) cordinate of , then

we now separate from the sum the diagonal term and rearrenge:

we now use the fact that , we divide and get:

now we take norms and use the triangle inequality:

this is the definition of a closed disk centerd at of radius .


From this theorem follows easly that a striclty diagonal dominant matrix is invertible, since all its eigenvalues are non-zero.

Also, an hermitian and diagonal dominant matrix is positive semidefinite.