
Consider a generic initial probability distribution (w.r.t. Lebesque measure). Let be the probability density at time . For every subset of the phase space should hold the following

that is, probability is conserved. From this identity, we can solve for : just make a change of variable (this makes appear the Jacobian of the flux) flow of an EDO:

(where we renamed the new variable ). Since this must hold for all measurable sets, the integrands must be equal a.s:

We are using a simple lemma Lemma Let be a locally integrable function, if for every measurable set

then is zero a.s. Proof Let’s call the subset of where . Since is measurable, is measurable. Then, this set must have zero measure. The same is true for . So a.s.

The equation we have found is just the local conservation of probability, the Jacobian tells us how each volume need to change to preserve probability.

One can find that this holds also for a non-zero initial time . We can find a PDE that solves by taking the derivative w.r.t.

the first term is

we already computed the time derivative of the Jacobian in the second term jacobian of the flux

putting all togheter

starts as (the jacobian of the flux is the identity at time ), and since it solves a linear edo, it can’t be zero in finite time.


Hence we can cancel . The first term is a transport term of , the second is the infinitesimal volume variation. With a bit of algebra we can obain the Liouville equation:

In sostanza

L’equazione di Lioville è una legge di conservazione locale della probabilità, con la solita interpretazione del cambio di probabilità totale in è dovuto ad un flusso di probabilità attraverso il bordo dell’insieme .


Theorem (Liouville) Let be given a system of ODEs with such that solutions are defined for all times. Then we can define the associated flow . Let be a region in the phase space, call its volume. For all times:



we did a change of variable, so the determinat of the Jacobian appears. From the definition of flow

so its Jacobian is

using the Determinant near identity lemma, we get

applying the definition of derivative we obtain the result.

Corollary Hamiltonian systems preserves volumes. Proof Just compute the divergence:

so by Liouville’s theorem volumes in the phase space are preserved under time evolution.