When we have a symmetric matrix , the Arnoldi iteration can be greatly optimized, since and the left side is symmetric, the matrix (which is upper hessember) is now forced to be tri-diagonal.

So when computing the overlaps , which for the arnoldi iteration are , we need only the previous.

It is custom to change the notation used in the aronldi iteration:

The orthogonal matric is named , the tri-diagonal matrix .

The procedure is:

function [V, H] = GSlanczos(A, v, k)
	% Inputs:
	% A: n x n symmetric matrix
	% v: n x 1
	% k: number of iterations
	% Outputs:
	% Q: n x (k+1) matrix of Lanczos basis vectors
	% T: (k+1) x k tri-diagonal matrix 
	% Initialize variables
	n = size(A, 1);
	V = zeros(n, k+1);
	H = zeros(k+1, k);
	% Set initial vector
	V(:,1) = v / norm(v);
	% Iterate
	for i = 1:k
		% Compute next vector
		w = A * V(:,i);
		% Orthogonalize w
		for j = 1:i
		H(j,i) = V(:,j)' * w; %computing overlap
		w = w - H(j,i) * V(:,j); %removing overlap
		% Normalize w
		H(i+1,i) = norm(w);
		if H(i+1,i) == 0 %check breakdown
		V(:,i+1) = w / H(i+1,i);

Lanczos method for eigenvalues

It can be showd that the Ritz values of , called converge to the eigenvalues of .