Input: boolean formula (clause lenght not fixed) Goal: find assignment that maximises # of sat clauses

Random assignment algoritm for fixed k

  1. set with prob. note: works best with long clauses ( number of literals)

  2. divide and conquer, finds at leeast SAT clauses.

LP-relaxation + Randomized Rounding

  1. variabili:
  1. funzione obj:

where is a weight, (for max CNFSAT ), we get something for free. 3. creare i vincoli:

where and are the set of variables and negated variables of clause respectivly. 4. rilasso, passo al continuo

We get a linear programming problem, solvable in P time. Since the serch space of the lineare problem is bigger, the solution is better than the discrete one:

  1. rounding. We do it probabilistically:

expected number of SAT clauese:

where if is SAT or not. (we used linearity and expted of bernoullui random variable).

Pick a clause with literals.

in fact: