We have discussed the existence and uniqueness of a stationary distribution for a Markov Chain in Long run behavior of Markov Chains. We have also shown that in a finite Markov Chain, if for some the limits

then the limiting distribution it’s also stationary. We now investigate the conditions needed for the convergence to the (unique) stationary distribution.

First a brief summary:

If is recurrent then there exists at least one invariant measure. If we add irreducibility, then using the lemma for invariant measure on irreducible chains, the invariant measure is unique up to a scaling factor.

These results rely on the vector , which is normalizable if the chain is positive recurrent for a state , since , also an irreducible chain is positive recurrent iff it admits an invariant distribution. (An invariant measure is not sufficient, the conterexample is the symmetric r.w. in Z with invariant measure , the chain is null recurrent.)

Theorem Let be an ergodic chain (irreducible, aperiodic and positive recurrent), then for any starting distribution , for all

Proof The main idea is coupling (by Doblin 1937). Let and

Fix a reference state , and define the stopping time

Step 1 We show that , for this we need both irreducibility (obvious) and also aperiodicity (less obvious). Consider the process with state space , and transition probabilties

and initial distribution . Since is aperiodic, for all state we have

this follows from the property of Hadamard’s product: for large enough, so that is irreducibile. Also, one can check that is an invariant distribution, so that is also positive recurrent.

We have a recurrent irreducibile markov chain, this means that for any initial distribution every state is visited a.s., in particular the state , so that

and the chains meet a.s.

Now the magick trick

the last two terms tend to zero when , since is finite a.s:

so that