What is the maximum size of a graph of order such that it doesn’t contain an -clique? Turan’s theorem answer this question.

Turan’s graph

It is easy to see that a complete multipartite graph, where the vertices are partitioned in subsets of order , is -clique free. Since the total number of edges is

it’s clear that we obtain a maximal number of edges if we divide the numbers as evenly as possibile: for all . If divides , then the number of edges is simply

Turan’s theorem states that this is the maximum size of all -clique free graph of order . For the general case where mod , the upper bound is corrected by a constant:

From now on we will make the assumption that , Theorem The maximum size of a graph of order that doesn’t contain an -clique is the size of the turan graph :

where is the Turan graph, or the complete balanced multipartite graph. Proof Induction on the order of the graph .

  • is trivial.
  • Suppose now . Since our graph has the maxium size such that is -clique free, it contains (otherwise we could add more edges). Partition the vertices in where is the set of vertices of . We can bound the maximum number of edges in :

we can compute number of edges in the subgraph induced by , since by definition is :

the number of edges across and can be bounded by

since every of the vertices in can at most be connected to vertices in , otherwise an -clique would appear. We can bound using the inductive hypotesis, since it has size strictly less than , so