Mathematically an eletrical network is just a non negative weighted graph. We call this edge weights conductances, their reciprocals resistences. The reason for this terminology is that physics can aid our intuition.
Def A Network is a tuple where is a non negative weight function on the edges of the graph (possibly with loops).
In a natural way we can define transition probabilities between state :
Claim The transition matrix such defined is reversibile: Proof We show that is an invariant measure, since it satisfies detailed balance:
The converse is also true: evert reversible markov chain can be turned into a network (we can find the right conductances) by using the function that satisfies D.B:
We now show that this works. Note that reversibility is necessary, since . Also we have the desired transition probabilities, since
so that the transition probabilities are
Def (Voltage) Given two disjoint subsets and of vertices of a network, a voltage is a function on the vertices of the network such that is harmonic on all . Usually the voltage is specified to be on and on .
Def (Current) Given a voltage on a network the current is a function defined as:
Remarks From the definition we see that is antisymmetric
Also if is harmonic at (that is ) we can se that
A function that satisfies these two properties is called a flow from source to sink .
This definition and remarks can be stated as the familiar Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws:
- Ohm’s law
Kirchhoff’s node law The current is a flow from to .
Kirchhoff’s cycle law If is a cycle, then
The cycle law can be proven by summing Ohm’s law.
A more general statement can be proven:
Claim Given an antisymmetric function on the edges of a connected network that satiesfies Kirchhoff node and cycle law, show that we can construct a voltage function up to an additive function such that is its associeted current. Proof Choose a vertex , and fix the value . Define the voltage for every other vertex as:
where is any path from to . This function is well defined, since at least one such paths exists (the network is connected), and the value of doesn’t depend on the path choosen: suppose and are two different path from to , joining them (one in reverse order) we get a cycle, using Kirchhoff cycle law their difference is zero:
where we have used the antisymmetri of the flow and the symmetry of the resistences.
It remains to show that is harmonic. Let be a neighbour of , then
rearrenging this identity and summing over all neighbours we get
the first term on the right is zero since is a flow. We are left with the definition of an harmonic function at .