Def A Markov chain is called reversible if there exists a positive valued function such that for all states holds

This equation is known as the Detailed balance equation (DB).

Claim This function on the state space is a stationary measure. Proof We need to check that holds.

since .

If then is a stationary distribution.

Proposition (Kolmogorov’s loop criterion) An irreducibile Markov chain is reversible if and only if for every closed walk

i.e. the probability of a given closed walk is the same in each direction. Proof Assume the markov chain is reversibile, we can use DB to reverse the probabilities:

using this identity in the product the terms cancels out (you can show this by induction).

(low confidence) Fix a state , and define for every state

where is any path from to (this exists and has positive probability since the chain is irreducible). (To better define this function you can use the shortes path with shortes probability).

Given another neighbouring state , we can build a closed walk , , which has the same probability of its reversed

so that our chain is reversibile with respect to the function

Oss is reversibile iff , as defined in Time reversal.