The aim of this note is to study the behaviour of the gambler’s ruin, a finite state Markov chain with absorting state at its ends.

Def Gambler’s ruin chain. Let be the MC with state space and transition probabilities and , with the boundary conditions .

The value is the fortune of the player, if it reaches the state he is ruined!

The following are interesting questions:

  1. What is the probability of ruin starting from .
  2. What is the average lenght of the game?

Let’s define the event ruin:

which is the same as using the notation in Hitting probability and mean hitting times.

Using Markov property we obtain the following system of equations:

Solving RHEs via ansatz

we solve this systems of linear equations from an ansatz:

substituting we get


solving for

we get two values for . Since we are solving linear equations the general solution has the form

let’s find and using the boundary conditions

and the solution we were looking for is

Remark In the limit the ruin probability is simply a geometric random variable.

For the symmetric case this is not enough, since we only get . First note that in the symmetric case, our difference equations is a discretization of the laplace equation:


which is the finite difference formula for the second derivative. Linear functions solve laplace equation in d, so an ansatz is

and a general solution is

using the boundary conditions we get