A Monoid is a Semigroup with an identity element.

Def A set equipped with a binary operation is called a Monide if:

  1. (clousure)
  2. (associativity)
  3. (identity element) such that for evert

Oss The identity element is unique: suppose and are both identities, then .

Oss An element is called invertible if there exists another element such that

where is called the inverse of . The inverse is unique, since .

Oss The set of invertbile elements of a monoid is a Group.

Every Semigroup can be transformed into a monoid denoted by adding a new element (the identity), and defining the operation with it as desired.


  • the integers equipped with the standard product are a monoid.
  • all the endofunctions of a set equipped with function composition
  • the set of square matrice of any field equipped with the usual matrix prodcut.