Let be a measurable space, and two measure on this space.

Def A measure algebra is called absolutely continuous w.r.t. another measure if

this is written as .

Def A measure is called singular if there is a with

this is written as .

Usually one works with measures on the reals, so that the measurable space is and is the Lebesgue measure.

Some examples:

  • The zero measure is absolutely continuous w.r.t any measure.
  • Every measure is absolutely continuous w.r.t itself.
  • The Dirac measure is singular w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure, since:

Theorem (Radon-Nikodym and Lebesgue decomposition) Let any -finite measure on the borel sigma algebra of the reals. Then

  1. we can decompose it in two uniquely determined measures
  1. There is a measurable map such that

is called the Radon-Nikodym derivative.

Proof (Von-Neumann) First we prove a result for finite measure spaces, and then extend it to -finite spaces.

Let be a measurable space, and two finite measure such that . Then is also a finite measure on and iff .

Consider the linear functional defined by:

is well defined because is finite and dominated by , so that

it’s also bounded since

where we have used the Holder inequality. Then by Riesz representation theorem there exists a such that

Then for any , so that and a.e. Consider the measurable set , if this has positive measure we get a contradiction. The same for the set .

The second equality works also with any non-negative measurable functions (using the standard machinery, simple functions and then the Monotone Convergence Theorem]).

Since is non-negative and measurable, then

Since is finite, and so is . Then for evert :

It’s easy to extend this result to -finite measures:

where (the limits can be exchanged by MON).