Consider the irreducible two-state chain with stochastic matrix
it’s clear that the limits don’t exists. This chain has a period of two.
Def A state is called aperiodic if for all sufficienlty large.
This is the same as is a regular matrix.
An equivalent definition, more easy to check, is the following:
Proposition If there exists such that for all , and
then the state is aperiodic.
Proof This follows from the fact that, provided is big enough, we can always find such that (Bezou’s lemma)
so that, using Chapman-Kolmogorov
Also, the period of a state is a class property:
Proposition If then and have the same period. Proof Call the period of state and respectivly. There exists such that . We know that
so that . Suppose , then
so that but since it divides also , this means that
so that . By swapping and we get our result.
Another useful thing is that if is an aperiodic in an irreducibile chain, then for evert for large enough (The matrix has all positive entries, i.e. it’s regular). Proof