Finite volume pressure

Infinite volume pressure

Proposition In the thermodynamic limit the pressure

is well defined, indipendent of the sequence and the boundary conditions. Moreover is convex in and symmetric in (like the finite volume pressure).


  1. A new Hamiltonian First a trick to ensure that the interaction energy across boudaries is always positive: writing in the Hamiltonian one can write

Let , then

where the interaction energy is

so that

but this implies that the partition function is submultiplicative (it’s also translation invariant by definition):

  1. Existence of the limit for sequences of boxes so that the pressure is subadditive. Using Fekete’s lemma we know that the following limit exists:

also since we can bound from below the partition function

and the pressure

note that the number of edges is bounded for example by (view the lattice a a graph and use the Handshake Lemma). So the is a finite number, and the limit exists.

Now the existence of this limit implies the existence of the pressure, since they differ by a term

the last term (which also has a limit since we can apply Feket’s lemma) can be computed and is equal to

So we have proven the existence of the pressure for any sequences of rectangles that converges to .

  1. estenzione a sequenze di volumi nel senso di Van Hove To extend this result to any sequence in the sense of Van Hove, the idea it to approximate any volumes by rectangles, the Van Hove condition ensures that in the limit the difference goes to zero.

Consider the simple sequence of cubes . Since this is a sequence of rectangles such that , we now that the limit

We now decompose a generic volume in disjoint translates of boxes , for a given such that

We need to show that in the limit the difference of the pressure goes to zero, i.e. we want to exstimate:

Given ant , for any we now that the last term is less than since .

Let’s compute :

Where the term is the energy due to the interaction between the regions . The interaction can be bounded by

so that

from this follows that the partition function is bounded by

so that the pressure

for big enough, say .

Let us write , then it’s easy to see that

so that for the partition function

the same can be down for a lower bound. This yields

we now use the Van Hove condition, since we can bound the number of spins in by

from this

for big enough, the right side is smaller than . Also the term inside the absolute values approches the pressure since

  1. **Indipendence of boundary condition

This follows from the fact that

so the finite volume pressures differ by a ) which vanishes in the termodinamic limit thanks to the Van Hove condition.


A natural macroscopic variable is the average magnetic moment, or the magnetization density:

By direct computation

An interesting question is wether it holds in thermodynamic limit

This depends on the differentiability of w.r.t . Since it’s convex, we know that the left and right derivatives always exists, and that is not differentiable in a set of measure zero.

Moreover, when is differentiable the limit exchange holds. This fact, that the magnetization density is discontinuous when is non differentiable, leads us to a first definition of phase transition:

Def (First order phase transition) The pressure exhibits a first order phase transition at is it fails to be differentiable w.r.t in this point.

Nota that since in indipendent from the boudary conditions, if is differentiable, the magnetization density in indipendent from the boundary condition, e.s. or . This means that we don’t see a macroscopic instability. On the other hand, if fails to be differentiable, (hence we have a first order phase transition), the value of depends on the boundary conditions: we have sensibility form b.c.: macroscopic instability.

One-Dimensional Ising Model

The 1D Ising model is exactly solvable, we can compute the pressure. This was Ising doctorate thesis main result. The trick is to a trasnfer matrix, and writing the partition function as the trace of power of this matrix.

For simplicity consider the periodic b.c. (we know that the pressure is insensitive to b.c.)

We can define a matrix

if we compute

The trace is precisely with two particles. In general

thus the pressure is (since )

where is the maximum modulus eigenvalue so that

the eigenvalues of are:

this shows that the pressure is analytic and differentiables for every value . We can conclude that there isn’t a first order phase transition.

One can compute the magnetization and show that it’s continuous, in particular the spontaneus magnetization

Infinite volume Gibbs state

Here we define an infinite volume Gibbs state, as a linear functional on local functions. The link of this section with Infinite-volume Gibbs measures is given by the Riesz representation theorem.

Def An Infinite-volume Gibbs state is a functional mapping a local function to a real number satisfying:

  1. Normalization
  2. Positivity when
  3. linearity for all The number is called the average of in the state .

It’s natural to define convergence of finite volume Gibbs distribution to infinite volume state, if for any local function

This is precisley the notion of weak convergence of probability measure, where the average of as

Can we construct infinite volume Gibbs state as a limit of finite volume Gibbs distribution, in the sense of the previous limit? We study the case of two simple boundary conditions, which will be central in the analysis of the general case.

Theorem Let and . Given any sequence , the finite volume Gibbs distribution with or boundary conditions converge to infinite volume Gibbs state:

and the state obtained do not depend on the sequence and are both translation invariant.

Remark Not that in general . This is the case when at there is a first order phase transition.

Proof We use a representation of a local function as sums of occupation numbers

then by linearity the result is valid for all local functions, if we prove it for functions. Since are non-decreasing, we can use a consequence of the FKG inequality:

thus this sequence is non-increasing, and since it’s non-negative it converges. Thus by linearity for each local function

is well defined. It’ linear, positive and normalized, so it’s a Gibbs state. To show volume sequence independence, let we build a new sequence in the following way:

in words: we choose for odd numbers a set in and for even numbers a set in , such that the sequence in increasing (we can always do that). Now the limit

exists, but by construct is a subsequence of both and hence their limit is the same.

Translation invariance follows from this, since we can cancel the effect of a translation of states by the inverse translation on the volumes, but we have just shown that the limit is indipendent from the sequence of volumes!

Criteria for uniqueness

States prepared with and boundary conditions are usefull to study the question of uniquess of Gibbs states.

Theorem let . The following are equivalent:

  1. There is a unique Gibbs state at

Proof are trivial. follows from the inequality we have proven:

but any local function can be written as linear combination of . The function is non-decreasing, so that

using linearity and rearrenging

but in the limit, using translation invariance the left hand side vanishes. So for any local function the averages coincide.

Correlation inequalities

Theorem (GKS inequality) Let and be collections of non-negative real numbers. Then, for all ,

Theorem (FKG inequality) Let and be non-decreasing function, be a collection of non-negative real numbers, a collection of real numbers (we allow negative values), any boundary condition, then

From FKG inequality follows an intuitive inequality if we consider non-decreasing function and two volumes :

since the indicator function is non-decreasing.

Non-decreasing functions are functions that “like” spins. In this sense it’s intuitive to think of the boudnary conditions and as extremal.

Lemma Let be a non-decreasing function. Then for any boundary condition , and , ,

Proof Let and note that

but so .

these are the boundary conditions. Then

using FKG inequality, since is non-decreasing also

Spontaneus symmetry breaking at low temperatures

Characterization of uniqueness so far:

Our goal is to prove that for all . To do so it’s sufficient to show that

where when .

This follows form

so that for large enough but this implies, since we have symmetry by spin reverse ()

so we can conclude that


we define the critical temperature as

Peierls’ argument

First a simple revrite of the Hamiltonian

Dual lattice We are surronding each spin with a unit squared centered at the spin. Our goal is to build “island” of negative spins (in a sea of positive ones):

the the boundary of this set is composed of edges in the dual lattice: each edge separates two opposite sign spins, thus we can rewrite the Hamiltonian as

we now decompose in disjoint sets (islands), by introducing a deformation rule to take care of possibile intersection of the form . Now is a union of closed curves

each curve is called a contour path of , we denote their lenght with . We again rewrite the hamiltonian as

thus the partition function is

the constant term doesn’t change probabilities, since it cancels out:

Notice that if , then there exists a contour curve such that . We can bound the probability:

Claim For all and any contour :


we need to show that the big fraction is bounded above by . Indeed the sum in the denominator is the same as the denominator, with an additional constraint. Indeed a given configuration such that , can be transformed into one that doesn’t contain , simply by flipping all the spins inside . The new state has contour sets precisley Call the set of configurations that can be obtained by removing , clearly so that

We have reached

we now divide these curves that enclose the origin by thei lenght, and asking how many exists of a fixed length. Clearly the shorter one has length .

we can easly bound the number of contour paths of fixed lenght: at the first step i have choices, the only (we cant go back) so the number of paths of length is . For every curve we can assign a given spin it crosses, since the most a contour of length can travel is there are at most curves that contain the origin. In the end

which converges if and goes to zero when . This proves that .