in short: a group without the identity so that we don’t even need iverses.
Def (Semigroup) A set and a binary function are called a semigroup if
A semigroup is an associative magma.
Notation: where we use the cleaner intrafix notation. It’s also common to call the semigroup with the same symbol as its support (universe) set.
There is a natural way to define a new semigroup starting from one, with support the power set of the orginial one.
We start with the semigroup . We claim that is a semigroup, when the operation between subsets is defines as
Clealry it’s closed, since we get another subset of . It’s also associative, since: every element in can be written as , this are precisley the elemetns in .
Def (sub-semigroup) Starting from a semigroup given a subset we say that is a semigroup of and write if it is closed w.r.t. .
Oss Associativity is eredited from .
An interesting question is, given any subset , find the smallest semigroup that contains . This can be done as usuale for the Sigma algebra generated by a set.
Call the family of evert semigroup of that contain in their support. Then
is the smallest sub-semigropu of that contains in its support. Proof EZ.
Semigroup homomorphism
As usual, the homomorphism is an operation beetween the support of algebraic structers that preserves their structure, i.e. it behaves well w.r.t. thei operation.
Let and be two semigroups. A total mapping is called a semigroup morphism if
(the morphism property)
Birkhoff classification of morphism:
- Epi-morphism: is surjective
- Mono-morphism: is injective
- Iso-morphism: is bijective
- Endo-morphism:
- Auto-morphism: and bijective
Congruence of semigroups
Let be an equivalence realtion in . We use the notation if .
For all , is called a
right-conrguence of if: left-conrguence of if:
congruence of if is both a left and a right-congruence.
We can define a new semigroup with the equivalance classes of under .
Let the quotient set of under . this will be our new support. We define the operation on the equivalence classes as:
Claim is a semigroup. Proof Clealry it’s close. Let’s prove associativity:
If is a congruence for the semigroup , then the function that maps any element into its equivalence class, called the canonic morphism
is an epi-homorphism from ( to , since
Given any morphism , we can create a congruence on , the canonic congruence of .
Oss If is a mono-morphism (injective) then is trivial.
Theorem (fondamental theorem of semigroup morphism) Let be an epi-morphism (surjective), and let be its canonic conrgruence relation and its canonic epi-morphism. Then there exists an isomorphism (bijective)
such that
Which can be written also as .
This theorem can be written as the commutative diagram: