Legendre transform

Suppose is a function such that:

  • is convex;
  • (Note that convexity implies continuity).

Then we can define Def The Legendre transform of is the function

Our conditions ensures that there exists a point of maximum, call it . Provided that is differentiable at , imposing stationarity one finds

so that this equation is solvable (perhaps not uniquely) for . Then

Duality of the Legendre transform

Theorem The new function is

  • convex;
  • is involutive.

Proof For each fixex the function is linear, so that the is convex:

From Velenik and Friedli

Def (Legendre-Fenchel transform) Let . The Legendre transform of is defined by:

Geometrically: the maximum distance between the line and the function graph.

Proposition The legendre transform of any function is convex. Proof

adding and subtracting

Oss This implies that if is not convex, i.e. that the Legendre Transform is not involutive.

Def (Supporting line) A supporting line at with slope for the function is a line such that:

Oss A function is convex iff every point admits (at least one) supporting line. Oss If a convex function is non differentiable at , then it has infinite supporting line at this point with slopes in .

Proposition (Duality of supporting lines slopes and points) If admits a supporting line with slope at point , then admits a supporting line with slope . Proof

since admits a supporting line at with slope

so that

so admits a supporting line at with slope .

**Non differentiable points

Proposition Let be a convex function. Then:

  1. If is not differentiable at , is affine in the interval ;
  2. If is affine in some interval with slope , then is not differentiable in and .

Proof Since is convex, at the point it admits infinite supporting lines with slopes in . By the prevoious propositipon admits at al point a supporting line with slope . Since is convex, all the supporting line coincide, and is affine in this interval.