
Let be an interval. A function is called monotonic non-decreasing if for every such that . When the same holds with the reversed inequalities is called monotonic non-increasing.


Let be a monotonic function. Then

  1. is measurable.
  1. For every the left and right limit exists (they are finite).
>exists and is finite, since the sequence $f(x_n)$ is non-decreasing and
>bounded from above by $f(x)$. Similarly one gets the result for non
>increasing and right limits. $\square$


If we don’t restrict to point in the interior, we have existence but not necessarily finiteness (we can’t bound the sequence), consider for example and the funtion .

  1. Every discountinuity is of jump type, and the number of discontinus points is at most countable.
>since the interval is finite, each set in the union is finite, since has at >most $|f(b)-f(a)|n$ elements. Then $S$ is at most numerable. >Since $\mathbb{R}$ is can be writte has the countable union of finite
>intervals, the number of discontinuities is still at most countable. $\square$

The last property implies that a monotonic function is continuous almost everywhere. It turns out that this also holds for its derivative.


Every monotonic non-decreasing function admits a derivative a.e. Furthermore satisfies the inequality:


Every left-continuous monotonic function can be written as the sum of a continuous monotonic function and a jump function (left-continuous). This representation is unique.

Clearly we can generalize this decomposition to monotonic function that have bot left and right continuous point, by summing two Jump functions.