Let be an interval. A function is called monotonic non-decreasing if for every such that . When the same holds with the reversed inequalities is called monotonic non-increasing.
Let be a monotonic function. Then
- is measurable.
is an interval, since is a Pi-system that generates the Borel -algebra, is measurable.
- For every the left and right limit exists (they are finite).
WLOG let be non-decreasing, let be a monotoinic sequence >such that , then
>exists and is finite, since the sequence $f(x_n)$ is non-decreasing and
>bounded from above by $f(x)$. Similarly one gets the result for non
>increasing and right limits. $\square$
If we don’t restrict to point in the interior, we have existence but not necessarily finiteness (we can’t bound the sequence), consider for example and the funtion .
- Every discountinuity is of jump type, and the number of discontinus points is at most countable.
Let a finite interval. Call the set of >discontinuities of in . This means that there exists an >such that . Then we can write as >the union >$$ S = \bigcup_{n =1}^\infty \left{x \in [a,b] ,:, |f_-(x)- f_+(x)| > \frac 1 n\right}
>since the interval is finite, each set in the union is finite, since has at >most $|f(b)-f(a)|n$ elements. Then $S$ is at most numerable. >Since $\mathbb{R}$ is can be writte has the countable union of finite
>intervals, the number of discontinuities is still at most countable. $\square$
The last property implies that a monotonic function is continuous almost everywhere. It turns out that this also holds for its derivative.
Every monotonic non-decreasing function admits a derivative a.e. Furthermore satisfies the inequality:
First we prove that the set
has measure zero. \vdots \vdots \vdots Define the familiy of functions where
(we do a continuous extention of outside ). Clearly a. e., using Fatou’s lemma:
Every left-continuous monotonic function can be written as the sum of a continuous monotonic function and a jump function (left-continuous). This representation is unique.
be the set of discontinuities and jump values off
, define the jump functionH
with these values. The function\phi := f - H
is continuos (easy to check) and monotonic. Suppose WLOG thatf
is non-decreasing, then forx \leq y
since the sum of the jumps from to is not greater the the whole increment of the function.
Clearly we can generalize this decomposition to monotonic function that have bot left and right continuous point, by summing two Jump functions.