An Algorithm to compute a Orthonormal basis for a given Krylov subspace, essentially using a Gramh-Smith procedure

At a certain step breakdown wil happe, this means and the process stops. At every step the orthonormal vectors can be stored in the matrix .

When , before breakdown, holds:

where is the matrix formed by the overlaps . By construction, is an upper hessember matrix.

To prove the equality above, note that for every , the following holds:

For we have:

where is the matrix without the last row. To prove this, first consider the case , i.e. breakdow has happened; we have , so that . In general, when (the identity matrix with an added coulumn of zeros). So in the end:

We can think of as the projection of onto the Krylov subspace using the base .

Arnoldi iteration to compute eigenvalues

We can emply arnoldi iteration to approximate eigenvalues of big, sparse, non symmetric matrices.

Let , consider the eigenvalue problem:

Call the eigenvalues of the upper hessemberg matrix , called Ritz values of . We can compute them using QR method, exploiting the fact that is upper hessember. The Ritz values are approximation of the eigenvalues of .