Weak convergence of probability mesures on metric spaces
We discuss the weak convergence of probability mesures on metric spaces equipped with the borel algbra from the metric induced topology. Since the objective is to prove the exintence of the Weiner mesure, you should keep in mind with the supremum norm, or .
Def (weak convergence)
For and probability mesures on the mesurable space , we say converges weakly to , if
ovvero l’integrale su rispetto alla successione delle misure converge nei reali all’integrale rispetto alla misura , per ogni funzione continua e limitata.
Def (convergence in distribution)
Let , and random variables taking values in , with distribution and respectivley. We say that converges in distribution to , , if
se e solo se .
It would be tempting to conclude that id , then for all Borel. This is in general false:
it is clear that . But any set such that the origin on the boundary like has always mesure , but .
The following theorem characterizes weak convergence.
Theorem (Portmanteau)
Let , be probability mesures on . The following are equivalent:
- as ,
- for all bounded uniformly continuous.
- for all chiusi.
- for all aperti.
- for all such that .
Proof obvious since uniform continuity implies continuity. We can’t use the characteristic function of , since it’s discountinuos. We can approximate with a uniform continuous function with a parameter . Then using 2:
which shows that as .
It follows from taking complements. We start from the mesure of the border:
if , and are equal, i.e. the definition of .
Perchè c’è la doppia implicazione? quello che mi sembra sia dimostrato è !!!!
W.l.o.g assume , since is bounded.
where . The same holds for . To prove 1, we need to prove only that for almost all .
We use 5: for the sets we know that provided that , where .
We need only to prove that only for a mesure zero set of :
it is clear that when . Then the mesure of the union is simply the sum: since , each term has at most elements, proving that the set is denumerable, hence has mesure zero. We are almost done:
\vert \mu_n(f)-\mu(f)\vert \leq \int \vert \mu_n(A_t)-\mu(A_t)\vert dt \to 0$$ the exchange of limits is legit since we can apply [[Teorema convegenza dominata]] (probability mesures are bounded!). $\square$ **Proposition** If $(\mu_n)_{n\geq 1}$ are probability mesures on $(\mathbb{R}, \mathcal{B})$, to check weak convergence, we need only to check if:\mu_n((-\infty, x]) \to \mu((-\infty, x]) \qquad \forall x \in \mathbb{R} ;:; \mu({x})=0
X^n \Rightarrow X \iff F_{X^n}(x)\to F_X(x)
for all $x$ where $F_X$ is continuous.