Escape probability

Consider a random walk on a random network. Fis a state and a subset such that . An interesting question is what is the probability of escape from a, that is, starting from , what is the probability of arriving in before returning to :

Computing this probability is not an obious task. Luckly, it turns out that the function:

it’s harmonic, so that we can apply the theory developed for voltage functions in eletrical networks. The boundary values are and . Such function exists and is unique by the maximum principle for harmonic functions.

Let’s prove that it’s harmonic using first step analysis:

To compute the escape probability from

where (recall that is a stationary measure, i.e. detailed balance holds with respect to ).

Notice how the escape probability depends on the total current out of , so that we may regard the entire circuit between and as a single conductor with an effective conductance

Thus the only computation required to answer our original question is computing . To do this we can use the same reduction rules used when solving circuits!

Expected number of vists before escape

It follows from the strong Markov property that the number of visits before escape is a geometric random variable

and thus has an expected value of

Probabilistic interpretetion of current

A simple model for the flow of charge in a real circuit is to assume that positive charges enter the circuit at , and then do random Brownian motion in the circuit till they reach . Then the current of an edge is the expected number of passages of a charge. This is indeed true in our mathematical model:

Proposition (Current as edge crossings) Let be a finite connected network. Start a random walk at and kill it at . For , let be the number of transitions from to . Then

where is the current in when the potential applied at is such that the total current flow from is one. Proof

If the flow out of is one, then we can write the potential using the Green function

so that we get